If you play JustPlay’s games or access our Service on connected third-party applications or connect our Service to any third-party applications, including social networks like Facebook, JustPlay may receive certain information about you from the provider of the third-party application. We may use this information along with information you provide us directly in a number of ways as described in this Privacy Notice, for example, to help you and your friends connect, or to serve you advertising tailored to your interests. We may also receive information from companies who compile information, including about lifestyle and preferences. We may collect or receive information about you from other sources like third-party applications, such as an app store, third-party login service, and social networks on which you play our games.

other information that helps us make sure it’s you accessing your account, including as necessary for us to provide the support you request, or information you provide to help us improve our Service (such as answers to an online survey or a feedback form).information about your account, a device on which you are playing one or more of our games and/or trying to access our Service, and/or other information about a request or inquiry you make.
the password you use to access our Service.your and/or your parent’s e-mail address.The information you share with us may include, for example: at conferences, conventions, and other events.in communications with customer support agents and account managers.by participating in group communications or chats.to participate in contests and sweepstakes.in response to surveys or other research we conduct.to set up your account, including to facilitate verifiable parental consent.When you use our Service (including through a social network), you may give us information directly in a number of ways, including: Personal Data That You Share with Us Directly Under current law in most countries, the personal data we collect is generally not considered sensitive.Ī. JustPlay collects personal data to fulfil one or more of its functions and activities, as described in this Privacy Notice.
The categories of personal data we collect (Section 1), use (Section 2) and share(Section 3), and the rights you may have with respect to that data (Section 4) depend on the version of the game you play (e.g., Guest Mode or full version) and applicable law. We will also limit the collection and processing of personal data to what is necessary to support the operation of our Service, for example, information about your gameplay and progress will be kept locally on your device and not transferred to or stored on our servers. If you are under the age threshold for playing our games (based on the laws in the country from which you access our Service), and we did not receive verifiable parental consent, we will provide you with a limited version of our game (“Guest Mode”) in which we will limit access to certain features, such as social media and chat features, as well as customized name (“Optional Features”). If you do not want JustPlay to collect, store, use, or share personal data in the ways described in this Privacy Notice, you should not play JustPlay’s games or use our Service. This Privacy Notice applies whenever you visit our websites, play the games that link to this Notice, or otherwise access any of our other products and/or services, mobile applications, or any other applicable platforms and/or devices (the “Service”).īy using the Service, you agree to the collection, disclosure, storage and use of personal data as described in this Privacy Notice. (the parent company of JustPlay) and its subsidiaries other than JustPlay. “Playtika” refers to Playtika Holding Corp. We may also refer to JustPlay as "we" or "us". In this Privacy Notice, “JustPlay” refers to JustPlay.LOL Ltd. This JustPlay Privacy Notice (the “Privacy Notice” or “Notice”) is provided to help you understand our practices regarding how we collect, use, share, and protect personal data. To access Privacy Information for Kids, click here. To access our previous Notice, click here. This Privacy Notice will be effective from September 2nd, 2022.